Building trust builds your network

TrustGuid makes sure everyone knows you’re on their side.

Fraud & Scam Stats


Money lost to scammers


Money lost to fraud

When it comes to hiring, it’s all about trust

Email Security

Make connections with verifiable emails everyone trusts.

Secure Notifications

Keep everyone up to date with messages that are trusted.

Trusted SMS solutions for the recruitment sphere

Safe messaging

Use SMS messaging to provide updates with peace of mind.

Trusted outreach

Make sure no one misses out because you’re fully trusted.

Time to talk to anexpert

Protect your revenue

$2 Billion was lost to fraudulent scams last year alone.

Track phishing attacks

Always be the first to know if you’re in danger.

Build trust with customers

Let them know that you’re always on their side

Stop the scams

99% of scams begin with an electronic message or call.


Talk to candidates and gain their

When a candidate knows it’s you, they’ll always want to connect.